HHP's services for compliance can cover every aspect of a company's regulatory needs from compliance to regulatory defense. With the support of our corporate and labour practice groups, our team has constantly provided reliable compliance services for the business operations of many clients to identify non-compliance issues, assess compliance risks, streamline internal reporting system, as well as to set up effective compliance policies. We are able to apply our professional knowledge to practical business solution, effectively helping our clients achieve their business goals and guard against relevant risks. Key types of work include:
Internal Investigations into local management team;
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and China anti-bribery compliance;
Anti-fraud actions against former employees, employees and third party suppliers;
Investigations into suppliers and distributors regarding wrongful behaviors;
Defense in regulatory investigation and action by authorities;
Compliance risk assessment;
Compliance policy, reporting, training.
In recent years, a large number of anti-bribery and employment fraud cases have emerged. HHP has advised many multinationals in dealing with commercial compliance investigation cases by virtue of our rich experience in corporate business, investigation and defense, and labor and employment matters.